It Might be zero in Sugar but what about the Aspartame?

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Zero sugar or diet soft drinks are the hype now.. I got almost addicted to them cause, I felt it contains little or no sugar, so good for tracking my weight. 

Until the aspartame controversy arose, I’ve preferred zero sugar soft drinks to the sugars containing soft drinks. 
Here’s a little info about aspartame, the mostly used artificial, non nutritive, sweetener: 

   Aspartame is approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose (table sugar). Due to this property, even though aspartame produces four kilocalories of energy per gram (17 kJ/g) when metabolized, the quantity of aspartame needed to produce a sweet taste is so small that its caloric contribution is negligible. 

  The taste of aspartame and other artificial sweeteners differs from that of table sugar in the times of onset and how long the sweetness lasts, though aspartame comes closest to sugar’s taste profile among approved artificial sweeteners. 

   The sweetness of aspartame lasts longer than that of sucrose, so it is often blended with other artificial sweeteners such as acesulfame potassium to produce an overall taste more like that of sugar.

There are lot of controversies about the use of sweeteners. But,  everyone has a different view. As a personal trainer, read my review on the controversy?

Published by Bunmi Precious

Miss Bunmi Precious is the Founder of The BodyWahala Consults. She is a Wellness Consultant, Chef, Biochemist, Personal Trainer who cares solely about the health and wellness of everyone she meets, feel free to connect to The BodyWahala Consults to bring you Total Wellness. So also, the kitchen means a lot to her, she sees her kitchen as the best place to be anytime.. The factory of creativity and a better wellbeing of which she wants to share with the world through to improve health and wellness. Much love.

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